Tuesday 20 September 2011

Week 2: Defining Target Audience and Worksheet Continued

In today's lesson our class continued with defining target audiences, this is very important within the media industry. Throughout the last 2 weeks I have learnt why defining the target audience of a product/programme is important, these include:
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Programme Scheduling
  • Appeal to the audience for product to be a success
  • Appropriate Content for audience
These are the main reasons for defining the audience of a product. The research methods which media producers carry out to help define their audience includes:
  • Questionnaires
  • Interviews
  • Focus Groups
From these methods, Quantitative and Qualitative data is formed. Quantitative data is in the form of data (figures) and statistics. Whereas Qualitative research is in the form of opinions from interviews and focus groups. From these two types of research the media producer is able to get reliable information in the form of statistics and opinions.

I have also continued with my first worksheet. I have completed the research and report into the BARB and RAJAR- audience research agencies who measures the audience of TV and Radio. I have created a questionnaire for task 2, this is based on finding which type of audience watches which programmes on TV. I have asked questions such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • How often they watch TV
  • What programmes they watch and what genres they like (e.g: Soaps, Documentary)
Questionnaire Screenshot (Task 2)

I will complete this worksheet by adding some information into my written report about the questionnaire I have created and how I would define an audience from this.

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