Monday 3 October 2011

Week 4: Sitcom Codes and Conventions & Soap Opera Genre (worksheet 2)

Task 1   
I have completed the worksheet based on the codes and conventions of genres. Through this worksheet I have learnt about the codes and conventions which are used within sitcoms. I have compared and contrasted the codes and conventions within traditional and non-traditional sitcoms. I compared The Vicar of Dibley (traditional) and Outnumbered (non-traditional) sitcoms. Through the report I have show my knowledge of the codes and conventions and how the genre has changed over time.

I have made notes on these codes and conventions by viewing an episode of these sitcoms. I used these notes to expand on within my written report, where I compared both of the sitcoms. These are some of the codes and conventions which I found within the traditional sitcom of The Vicar of Dibley
  • Catchy theme tune
  • Exaggerated characters
  • Studio Recorded 
  • Canned Laughter
  • Small group of characters
  • Humiliating Situations
  • Linear Narrative Structure
I then watched an episode of the non-traditional sitcom Outnumbered. This did not contain all of the codes and conventions used within the traditional sitcom, but also introduced some new conventions. These are the codes and conventions used within Outnumbered:

  • No theme tune at beginning- A scene of the house is shown, with voices of the characters heard. Catchy theme tune on credits.
  • Small group of characters
  • Improvisation used within the scenes
  • Filmed on location
  • Humiliating Situations
  • Linear Narrative Structure: equilibrium (peace, disruption and return to peace
Through researching the codes and conventions within each programme I have clearly seen the differences within the programmes. Some of the codes and conventions are the same, but as the sitcom genre develops new styles are being introduced. For example, within Outnumbered they use the element of improvising, which would not be seen within a traditional sitcom as a convention.

Task 2
For task 2 I also had to research into a genre, I decided to research into the genre of Soap Opera. Through researching into this genre I have noted the codes and conventions used within the genre. I created a table to represent these codes and conventions and I have included this within my report.
Soap Opera Codes and Conventions

This table shows the codes and conventions which I expect within the soap opera genre. These are the key codes and conventions which make the genre and is what people expect within the genre.
I also answered some questions in relation to the genre. These included: how the genre has changed over recent years, whether this would affect the target audience and are these changes to the genre for the better? I have written up my notes made on task two and included it within the same report for task 1.

Through completing this worksheet I have gained knowledge within the Sitcom genre and the Soap Opera genre, I have presented my knowledge within my report.

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