Tuesday 25 October 2011

Week 6: Improving on Past Work and Reality TV Analysis

Improving on worksheets 1 & 2

I have been given improvements on my first two worksheets in media studies. Worksheet 1 focused on the work of audience figure research agencies (BARB and RAJAR) and Audience Profiling. An improvement which I have had to make within this worksheet is expanding on the audience profiling. This included the socio-economic profile, within my original report I briefly explained the demographic status. I did not discuss how they are used within the audience figure research agencies. Therefore I have completed the improvement of discussing what the status' are and how they are used within BARB and RAJAR and other research agencies. I have discovered that this is a very important aspect of collecting audience figures as they can put the audience into categories to determine who watches and listens to what. Within worksheet 1 I also expanded on how important quantitative and qualitative research is and how it is used within the agencies discussed.

I also gained feedback on my second worksheet, focusing on genres codes and conventions. The main improvement was discussing how a certain genre such as sitcoms was constructed for a particular audience. This was an element I did not include within my original report and was unclear about. From the feedback I have completed the improvement in relation to he construction of the text for the audience. I have discussed what content is included within the Sitcoms: The Vicar of Dibley and Outnumbered. I discussed their target audience and explained the content which is included to appeal to them. I also discussed how it is constructed for the audience and how they know it is successful which is determined through methods such as interviews, questionnaires and focus groups.
Through reflecting on these worksheets and gaining feedback on how I can improve my reports, I have definitely learnt more about reflecting and reading my work. This is to ensure I have included all the required elements for me to meet the criteria.

Reality TV Worksheet
Through half term I have been given a worksheet which focuses on analysing a reality TV show. This analysis is known as a Textual Analysis which means I will be decoding the contents within the programme. Some of these elements include: genre, codes and conventions, mise-en-scene and use of camera shots/ angles.
I have chosen to carry out this analysis on E4's reality show Made in Chelsea. This is a programme which focuses on some of the wealthiest teenagers in London. I carried out some initial research into this reality show and found that it classed in the sub-genre of Docusoap and Reality Drama. I also carried out research into reality TV shows codes and conventions in general and there are many sub-genres of reality TV, but docusoap is one of the most popular genres at the moment. Made In Chelsea has a very similar format to The Only Way Is Essex. I researched into the format of Made In Chelsea and discovered that although it looks scripted it isn't, therefore it is classed as a reality show. One of the stars from the show stated that the show is not scripted but they are given situations from the producer to be able to make a scene. In a way the programme is set up and is not completely true, but it does feature 'real people' and 'real settings' which is one of the main conventions of reality TV shows.
I have watched an episode of Made In Chelsea and I have written notes about the different aspects I need to consider to carry out the textual analysis. I have defined the genre, codes and conventions and camera shots. I will write these notes into a table which clearly shows the content within the programme. I will expand on these notes by writing about the content within the show.
Made In Chelsea Cast

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