Wednesday 19 October 2011

Week 6: Audiences Response to Media and Censorship (Worksheet 3)

I have completed my research into films which were banned in the UK because they contained explicit content. For this worksheet it asks me to research into films which were banned in the UK and discuss how audience were suppose to respond to these films. These audience responses include: Audience Response Theories (hypodermic needle model, uses and gratifications theories and reception study), Effects Debate (effects of exposure to explicit content) and Responses (negotiated, preferred and oppositional). I will be applying these audience responses to the banned films and describe how audiences responded to the films. I will apply these from my notes which I have on these different aspects and also using the resources of books and the Internet.
I found a good website which showed 21 banned films (in UK and other countries), I selected the main films which I believe were the most controversial and caused moral panic. I will be explaining why these films were banned and how audience should and did respond to the films. The reason for these films being banned was to protect the audience from content they should not be viewing (sexual or violent). Many of the films which I have researched show that they were denied a certificate by the BBFC and therefore were not released because they showed explicit content. I have gained a lot of knowledge from learning about the audience response theories, effects debates and responses. I believe I can apply these different aspects within this report to the issue of moral panics.

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