Monday 31 October 2011

Week 7: Audience Response Worksheet Completed

I have completed worksheet 4 which is based on audience responses to media products. This worksheet is due in on the 15th November, although I am on holiday in this week, therefore I am handing the report in tomorrow (1st November). Throughout completing this report I have learnt about how audience respond to media texts. The media texts I analysed were banned films in the UK, these films were banned because of their explicit content. Within the report I explained how audiences respond to the explicit content in the films. I discussed explicit content in films such as Straw Dogs and A Clockwork Orange.
Straw Dogs (1971)- Contained Explicit Content

I analysed these films and explicit content by applying the audience response theories, debates, censorship and responses. I have learnt a lot about how audience are expected to respond to explicit content in media texts and also how they actually respond. There are different theories of response and within the article I explained from my own knowledge how the different theories apply to the banned films. This article revolved around the audience and their response to explicit content. Therefore throughout the article I clearly related back to the audience. As this is a mistake I made in past worksheets, where I did not relate the article subject back to the audience and target audience. Within this article I have learnt from my mistake and this article is all about the audience.

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